吉田 智哉 デザイン

iii株式会社 パートナー
craft+think (個人事業)

1982年生まれ。パナソニック株式会社にてB2B機器のインダストリアルデザインを担当後、アメリカ ニューヨーク/シリコンバレー拠点にてUXデザイン、戦略デザイン活動の企画・推進を行う。富士通株式会社で海外事業のUXデザイン活動企画・推進、新規サービス事業支援に従事後、AUTHENTIC JAPANへChief Experience Officerとして参画。Good Design Award 金賞、iF Design Award GOLDを始め国内外デザイン賞受賞。コンセプトメイキングではKOKUYO DESIGN AWARD、富山プロダクトデザインワードで最高賞であるグランプリを受賞。千葉大学デザイン工学科卒業、千葉大学大学院デザイン専攻修了。

Born in 1982. After working in industrial design for B2B devices at Panasonic Corporation, he planned and promoted UX design and strategic design activities in New York and Silicon Valley. After working at Fujitsu Limited, where he planned and promoted UX design activities for overseas businesses and supported new service businesses, he joined AUTHENTIC JAPAN as Chief Experience Officer. He has won several domestic and international design awards including iF Design Award GOLD and Good Design Award. He has won the KOKUYO DESIGN AWARD and Toyama Product Design Award for concept making and the Grand Prix. Graduated from the Department of Design Engineering, Chiba University, and completed the Graduate School of Design, Chiba University.

Award & Exhibition


Good Design Award GOLD / COCOHELI
iF Product Design Award GOLD / Panasonic HD remote camera AW-HE120
iF Product Design Award  / Panasonic HD remote camera AW-HE50
iF Product Design Award / Fujitsu Iot measure hakaruno2
Kokuyo Design Award 2nd Prize (3-1 design) / ガームテープ
Kokuyo Design Award 1st-Prize(3-1 design) / 紙キレ
Toyama Product Design Competition – 1st Prize / 錫とアクリルの水筒
Good Design Award  / Panasonic HD remote camera AW-HE50
Good Design Award  / Panasonic Car navigation NSDN-W59
Good Design Award / h concept Arch Ruler


Ambiente Frankfurt 2010
Milano Salone Satellite 2010 (3-1 design)
Designtide 2009/2010 (3-1 design)